・owing to : 〜のために(理由) 分詞構文というよりも、toの群前置詞と捉えた方がわかりやすいか
・collide : (副)衝突する
・get the better of ~ :人より優れる、困難などに打ち負かす
・engage :人をin~に引き入れる 

134 : Owing to the icy conditions , the two lorries collided.
260 :  Generally speaking , girls are more efficient than boys.

261 : Judging from the look of the sky , we’ll have snow tonight.
*look(名詞)物事の様子、外観、模様 =the look of the sky 空模様
262 : Strictly speaking these red roses are different in origin .

390:It’s hardly surprising he is upset , considering the way you’ve treated him !
391:One day , my curiosity having gotten the better of me , I mustered my courage and meager Japanese to engage the Japanese student in conversation .